
Cold Weather District Wide Homelessness Response View
DNSSAB is not an emergency service, if you feel your life is in danger or you need emergency services. Please Call 9-1-1.


Homelessness & Emergency Shelter Services

Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions:

Currently, there is no 24/7 integrated low-barrier shelter and hub in the District of Nipissing. The hub would immediately provide a safe space for homeless individuals to connect with services and navigational support. Services will help homeless individuals apply for suitable housing and get connected with mental and physical health services. Over time and through partnerships, additional service providers could provide services at the hub to centralize service access and improve health and housing outcomes. According to the recent Homelessness System Review and Feasibility Study, 24/7 programs are favoured for the following reasons:

  • A sense of stability and security is provided for individuals experiencing homelessness and reduces the stress of arranging overnight accommodations and travelling to access meals.
  • Integrating services can result in more efficient use of resources, potentially reducing operational costs and improving service delivery.
  • Providing consistent integrated services is more challenging across two separate sites.

Unknown at this time. DNSSAB staff will continue planning, in collaboration with the City of North Bay, for a permanent homeless hub site.

No. DNSSAB continues to actively work with partners, including the City of North Bay, to find a suitable location.

The Cold Weather Program is a service offered during the winter months to provide daytime shelter and navigational services to individuals experiencing homelessness. The Integrated Homelessness Hub is a year-round service that includes shelter and daytime services. An Integrated Homelessness Hub would provide a wide variety of on-site services to improve housing and health outcomes.

Frequently Asked Questions:

The Cold Weather Housing Response Program for the winter of 2024-2025 is located at 590 Chippewa Street West, which is the current location of Northern Pines and the Low-Barrier Shelter.

Northern Pines Northern Pines is a 60-unit transitional and supportive housing campus located in North Bay. The campus was developed in three phases that focus on life skills development. Northern Pines aims to prevent and reduce homelessness and provides relief and support for tenants with addictions and mental health concerns.

No. Northern Pines and the Low-Barrier are not safe consumption sites and there are no plans for a safe consumption site at this location.

DNSSAB is committed to exploring transportation options that would reduce foot traffic.  Furthermore, the Crisis Centre indicated they are looking at options to provide food on site.

Potential locations were identified by DNSSAB staff, as well as through discussions with City of North Bay staff, and DNSSAB’s Realtor on Record. Each identified site was reviewed for suitability based on the site considerations listed in the recent Homelessness System Review and Feasibility Study.

For over a decade, a cold weather program has operated during the winter months in North Bay to help shelter homeless individuals from the cold and harsh winter conditions. The need for this service is exacerbated by the increase in the number of individuals experiencing homelessness, especially those with additional barriers including mental illness and substance use.

The Program opened on November 27th. 

The Crisis Centre North Bay will operate the program and already operate the Low-Barrier Shelter and Northern Pines on the site.

Yes, the Program will be 24/7.

The Cold Weather Housing Response Program is offered during the winter months to provide daytime shelter and navigational services to individuals experiencing homelessness. The Integrated Homelessness Hub is a year-round service that includes shelter and daytime services. An Integrated Homelessness Hub would provide a wide variety of on-site services to improve housing and health outcomes.

District-Wide Unsheltered Persons Response

If you are aware of individuals living unsheltered who may need support, please reach out to True Self to respond:

True Self Peer Outreach Support Team (POST)
  Monday to Friday     
  8:00 am to 8:00 pm    
  Saturday and Sunday    
  10:00 am to 6:00 pm    

  (705) 498-9482*

* For after-hours calls please leave a message indicating the location of the site and the number of people living there.

For individuals looking for shelter, please contact Crisis Centre North Bayㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ

              Emergency Crisis Line                        
    (705) 474-1031*    




Coordinated Access Nipissing (CAN)

If you or someone you know is in need of Emergency Shelter Services, the first step is reaching out to a Coordinated Access Point

Coordinated Access Nipissing (CAN) is a shift in the way that community agencies support people who are homeless or at-risk of becoming homeless.

Individuals and families can call or visit any of the agencies listed below for more information on referrals, supports, and services to help them find or keep their home. You will be asked to complete a Common Intake and Consent form, and may be asked for further information to support your housing journey. People who are currently homeless can choose to add their name to the Coordinated Access Nipissing (CAN) Priority List. The (CAN) Priority List is a registry of everyone who is homeless in the District of Nipissing, has a profile in the Homeless Individuals and Families Information System (HIFIS) and have consented to share their information with Coordinated Access Nipissing (CAN) access points. This list is used to assess individuals and households based on their current situation.

As services, supports, and housing options become available individuals and households on the CAN Priority List will be matched based on their needs and overall eligibility.

Coordinated Access Nipissing (CAN) Guide _V4_Dec_2024

1. Access Points

Visit, Call or email a CAN Access Point

  • Aids Commitee of North Bay and Area (ACNBA)
  • Crisis Centre North Bay (CCNB)
  • Low Income People's Involvment of Nipissing (LIPI)
  • North Bay Indigenous Friendship Centre (NBIFC)
  • True Self Debwewendiziwin Program
  • Canadian Mental Health Assosciation of North Bay and Disctrict (CMHA)
  • District of Nipissing Social Services (DNSSAB)
  • Legion Service Bureau
  • The Gathering Place
  • Brain Injury Association of North Bay Area (BIANBA)

2. Triage

  • Complete an Intake
  • Make sure Individuals are safe
  • Address basic needs (food, water, medical attention)
  • Assist with preventing homelessness

3. Assessment

Speak with individuals to learn more about their needs, barriers, wants and goals.

4. Match

Match and refer to appropriate & available supports, services and housing.

5. Follow-Up

Once housed: regular check-ins and support.

Access Points

☏ 705-474-1031
Crisis Centre North Bay - Emergency Shelter
Hours of Operation:
☏ 705-358-5901
Crisis Centre North Bay - Low Barrier Shelter
Hours of Operation:
8:00 PM-8:00 AM Daily


☏ 249-493-6180
Canadian Mental Health Association
Hours of Operation:
8:00 AM - 4:00

☏ 705-497-3570
AIDS Committee North Bay and Area
Hours of Operation:
Monday-Thursday 8:30 AM - 4:00 PM
Friday 8:30 AM - 3:30 PM
Closed for lunch 12:00 PM-1:00 PM


☏ 705-474-2151 Ext. 45588
Homelessness Prevention Services
Hours of Operation:
8:30 AM-4:30 PM


☏ 705-472-8650
Legion Services Bureau
Hours of Operation:
8:15 AM-3:45 PM

☏ 705-472-1337
Low Income People Involvement of Nipissing
Hours of Operation:
Monday, Wednesday, Thursday
10:00 AM-4:00 PM
10:00 AM-2:00 PM

☏ 705-474-4058
Nipissing First Nations True Self Debwewendizwin Program
Hours of Operation
8:30 AM-4:30 PM


☏ 705-474-2811
North Bay Indigenous Friendship Centre
Hours of Operation:
8:30 AM-4:30 PM

☏ 705-474-7687
The Gathering Place
Hours of Operation:
8:30 AM-4:30 PM

☏ (705) 478-8664
Brain Injury Association of North Bay and Area
Hours of Operation:
8:30 AM-4:30 PM

☏ 705-474-7859
The Salvation Army
Hours of Operation:
8:30 AM-4:00 PM

Built for Zero

Beginning the end of homelessness in Canada


Frequently Asked Questions:

If you find yourself without a place to stay tonight, please reach out to a Coordinated Access Nipissing Access Point shown above.

Coming soon...

Coming Soon...

Coming soon...

Coming soon...

Frequently Asked Questions:

Coming Soon...

Coming soon...

Coming Soon...

Coming soon...

Coming soon...