
Here are some common questions about Ontario Works.

Ontario Works Financial Assistance

The following information is for individuals in the district of Nipissing who are looking to learn more about the Ontario Works program. Ontario Works can provide you with financial assistance, employment assistance, employment assistance activities and benefits. This section focuses on financial assistance.

To be eligible for Ontario Works, you must:

  • be over 16 years of age
  • live in Ontario
  • need money right away to help pay for food and shelter, and
  • be willing to take part in activities that will help you find a job.

We look at two aspects when we assess your eligibility:

  • your financial situation, and
  • your willingness to take part in activities to find a job

When you apply to Ontario Works, you will need to give us information about your:

  • family size
  • income
  • assets, and
  • housing costs.

Ontario Works staff will use this information to decide if you are financially eligible.

Then we help you come up with a plan to find work and/or improve your skills. These activities are written up in your Action Plan.

You will have to sign an Application for Financial Assistance and an Action Plan to be eligible for Ontario Works.

Yes, you may.  When you attend your verification appointment you can request an application to the Ontario Disability Support Program.  You will be provided with a disability determination package that your health care professional must fill out, as well as a self-evaluation portion.  Your Case Manager will explain in more detail how the process works when you attend the office.

Financial assistance is provided for basic needs and shelter.  You can still quality for basic needs if you do not currently have shelter costs.  Once you obtain accommodations you can submit an intent to rent form to your case manager for review and approval of shelter costs.

A complete list of documents you will need to successfully complete an Ontario Works application can be found here.
When you apply for Ontario Works, you will be asked to develop an Action Plan with your Case Manager. The Action Plan is viewed as your agreement or contract with Ontario Works and it clearly states what is expected of you as a participant.


The goal of the Action Plan is to help you create a plan to move towards sustainable employment, unless you are unable, which will be discussed with your Case Manager.

When you negotiate an Action Plan with your Case Manager, you are expected to:
  • Follow through with the activities
  • Attend scheduled appointments
  • Notify us in advance if you cannot attend
​​If you do not do the things that you have agreed to, your Ontario Works benefits can be suspended after a Test of Reasonableness has been completed.

The first time you are found to be non-compliant, your benefits are suspended for one month. If you are found to be non-compliant any time after that, your benefits are suspended for three months.

If you have medical issues that limit what you can do, your Case Manager will provide you with a Supplementary Medical Information form, which your physician will complete.  Once complete and returned, any activities negotiated on your Action Plan will take into consideration your medical restrictions or limitations.
At the time of your application you can advise the case manager that you are unable to participate / work.  You will be provided with a medical deferral form that your physician will need to complete in order to have you deferred from participating.
A deferral means that you do not have to participate in activities such as, independent job searching or education.
The Financial Assistance through the Ontario Works program is calculated based on individual circumstance, and taking into account family size, living arrangements, and income sources and asset levels.


The assistance is intended to cover basic living expenses, such as food, clothing, shelter and personal needs items. In addition, examples of other benefits which may also be available to eligible recipients in certain circumstances, include:

  • Participation supports for employment and educational activities*
  • Health necessities, such as diabetic, surgical and medical supplies
  • Emergency assistance
  • Basic dental and vision care
  • Prescriptions
  • Employment start-up benefits to assist with costs incurred when starting a new job*


Childcare costs are taken into consideration in determining your net earnings from employment.

You have the option of choosing licensed (potential subsidy) and unlicensed childcare. Childcare subsidy is based on your Notice of Assessment (NOA) from the previous year.

For more information on childcare subsidy, visit our Children’s Services page.

Please visit our How To Apply page for more details. You may also find the following website from the Ministry of Community and Social Services helpful: Ontario Works: How to apply.
Yes, in fact we recommend it. Setting up a Direct Bank Deposit is easy and ensures your money arrives on time. Visit our Direct Bank Deposit Information and Forms resource for details on getting started.
  1. Make sure you get the form here.
  2. If you would like to confirm you are reading the correct numbers from your cheque, check out this guide.
  3. For further help, if you have a cell phone you can take a photo of your cheque, email it to purchasing@dnssab.on.ca and request assistance to set up a Direct Bank Deposit on your account.
  4. As always, you can reach out to us for further assistance.
A statement of income is a form that you must submit every month between the 16th and the 18th in order to qualify for your monthly entitlement.  This form has information pertaining to any income you (or your spouse) may have received in the reporting period that the case manager uses to determine your monthly entitlement.

If you do not submit this form, there is a possibility that your monthly benefit may be delayed.  If you have been on assistance for longer than 3 months, and you are not currently employed, you may be deferred from having to hand this form in.  Please speak with your Case Manager.

You need to contact your Case Manager as soon as possible.  Any change in circumstances can have an effect on your monthly entitlement.
There is a possibility that you may still qualify for financial assistance while you are employed.   If you no longer qualify for financial assistance due to your earnings or other income, you may qualify for Extended Health Benefits or Extended Employment Health Benefits.  Talk to your Case Manager to learn more.
Call your Case Manager as soon as possible to find out why your file has been suspended.  They will be able to advise you of what is required to lift the suspend.  A suspend letter does not mean that your benefits have been terminated, it just means that information is required.
We recommend that you speak to your Case Manager first.

The appeal process is located on the letter sent to you explaining the denial.  You can file a request for an internal review in writing within 10 days of the denial.  A decision regarding your request for an internal review will be made within 30 days.  Internal reviews can be upheld, overturned or varied.

If you don’t agree with the decision made at internal review, you may be able to appeal to the Social Benefits Tribunal (SBT).  It is important to note that not all benefits can be appealed to SBT.

You may have three options for Health Benefits once you have left the Ontario Works program, if you do not have health coverage from an employer or other source:
  • Extended Health Benefits – (Up to 6 months with possibility​ of extension)
  • Extended Employment Health Benefits – (Up to 6 months with possibility of extension)
  • Trillium Drug Program – (You choose how long to participate)
If you think someone is taking advantage of a social assistance program, you can report a suspected case of fraud. Please visit this resource to learn how.

Find programs and services in your community by visiting:


Service Navigation Guide


Here are other FAQs about the Ontario Works program in general.

The Interactive Voice Response system (IVR) is a phone line you can call any time to get information like when a cheque was sent out, its amount, and other important information about your case.


You can call the IVR toll free at: 800.808.2268

You will need your nine (9) digit Member ID and four (4) digit PIN to access the system.

The Ontario Works service plan can be found on our Corporate page under Guiding Documents.

You can learn more about the Ministry of Community and Social Services (MCSS) on their website, Facebook, Twitter and YouTube.

Please note: the information on this website is intended to be used as a guide and is subject to change.
It does not reflect all policies and procedures of the Ontario Works Department.

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