Changes to employment services and employment-related benefits provided through
Ontario Works

The provincial government is streamlining employment supports.

Therefore, the delivery of employment services and related benefits for people receiving Ontario Works (OW) assistance in Nipissing is changing.

Starting March 1st, 2025, all employment supports and services for people receiving OW will be provided through Employment Ontario (EO) instead of through Nipissing’s OW department. Employment services are the job-related supports, programs, and training opportunities that help job seekers reach their goal to find and maintain employment.

If you have any further questions, please contact your Case Manager.

  • The monthly OW assistance amounts for Basic Needs and Shelter, and Board & Lodging will not be affected.

  • The way you currently work with your Case Manager to access non-employment related supports and services will not change.

  • OW is continuing to focus on connecting you to the other supports and services you need on your path to wellness and employment, for example, through referrals to housing supports, mental health resources, life skills and community programs.

  • All income and earnings must still be reported to your Case Manager on a monthly basis using the Income Reporting Statement.
  • When you visit OW, your Case Manager will ask you to answer a series of questions – an assessment. This will help your Case Manager get to know you better, so they can offer the right support for your path forward.

As of March 1st, 2025

  • If you're ready to search for a job or are preparing for employment, OW will connect you with an EO provider who will offer job readiness supports and related benefits.

  • OW will no longer be providing Employment Services. Instead, your Case Manager will continue to focus on connecting you to the other supports and services you need on your path to wellness and employment.

  • Any OW training and employment programs in Nipissing will end by March 1st, 2025.

  • Any monthly employment related benefits that support employment related activities will no longer be available from OW. This means that the money OW recipients have been receiving to help them participate in employment related activities (for example transportation for job search, work clothing, work supplies etc.) will end as of February 28th, 2025. 

  • If you are working with an EO agency, you may be eligible to receive help through that agency to support your participation in employment activities.