What Documents Do I Need

What Documents Do I Need To Apply For Ontario Works?

January 9, 2018

It is important to take the time to gather the required documents before beginning your online Ontario Works application. Here is the complete list of documents you will need in order to apply for social assistance. Click on any of the listed items for acceptable examples.


  • birth certificate, or

  • baptismal certificate, or

  • immigration papers, or

  • landing document, or

  • passport
  • Canadian Citizenship card, or

  • Permanent Resident card, or

  • Record of Landing, or

  • passport
  • tax return, or income tax Notice of Assessment for the last year (for family members who are 18 years or older)

  • pay stubs (for family members who are 18 years or older)

  • statements from Canada Pension Plan (CPP) or other pension programs

  • Employment Insurance (EI)

  • Workplace Safety and Insurance Board (WSIB)

  • Old Age Security (OAS), Guaranteed Income Security (GIS) or Guaranteed Annual Income Security (GAINS)

  • student loans

  • child or spousal support agreements

  • sponsorship payments

  • any other type of income
  • cash

  • bank books or statements (including name of bank, transit number, account number and date account was opened)

  • life insurance policies

  • copies of savings bonds

  • statements for Registered Retirement Savings Plan (RRSP), Registered Disability Savings Plan (RDSP), Guaranteed Income Certificates (GIC), bonds or any other investments

  • etc.
  • property you own, other than where you live

  • vehicle(s) you own

  • other valuables including jewellery

  • trusts

  • pre-paid funerals

  • etc.
  • rent

  • board and lodging

  • utility bills

  • heating bills

  • mortgage agreement

  • property tax statement

  • home insurance premium statement
  • start date of employment

  • employer name

  • monthly income from work
  • the amount you pay each month for unlicensed (e.g., babysitter) and/or licensed (day care centre) child care

  • extended day (school) program fees
  • the amount you pay each month for disability related items or services so you can work or participate in a training program. For example,  attendant care, sign language interpreter services, specialized equipment, etc.
  • the amount you pay every year for items or services for a child with a disability. For example, transportation to medical appointments, special equipment or clothing, home repairs, etc.

Once you have collected the required documents, you’re ready to start your online Ontario Works application.